Sep 8Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Another excellent chapter from our clever critter detectives, well done Heidi, such fun writing.


What big cat forgets

might reveal important clues.

Our sleuths continue


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Thank you, April! Your feedback is so encouraging! And we now have a special Haiku compilation that continues to grow. Yes, my friend! We are taking notes on all of these amazing poems you are sharing with us. So fun!

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Sep 8Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Yay! Excellent


Detectives haiku.

Follow mystery story

in small critter verse


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Love it! Thank you, April!

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Ohhh I love the twist Heidi, yes please, thank you very much! Amnesia! What? Didn’t see that coming?

Delightful! Riveting! The usual!

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Thank you, Kristin! What could drive the plot more than a Serval with amnesia! Thank you very much, my friend.:)

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Hmmm, a secret evil twin? This may be related to all those years I spent watching soap operas with Nanny. Lol! I think it’s perfect though

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That’s so fun! A secret evil twin! Perhaps the Critters need to plan on that storyline for the future with a New Jersey setting. I kinda like that idea.:)

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The Critters are hitting the road! Looking forward to the next chapter, Heidi!

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Thank you, Pamela! I hope you enjoyed the opening video from the Oregon Coast. You inspired me to go on a beach walk!

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Sep 7Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Another great chapter! You and your Critters and a great crew! Keep writing… luvluvluv it!

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Thank you, Jules! We so appreciate having you along for the ride with us! Stay tuned, it’s about to get wild!

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Just delightful reading. I look forward to each post/chapter.

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Thank you, Sheryl! The Critters are on the verge of cooking up something wild! Thank you very much for reading and being here with us.:)

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Sep 6Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

A trip to San Francisco! I can hardly wait for the next chapter, Heidi and critters.

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Thank you, Diana! We are very excited that you are staying tuned!

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The plot thickens delightfully!

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Thank you, Paul! The Critters have fastened their seatbelts! Thank you so much for reading!

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I liked this chapter, Heidi and a great idea to continue to include Star in the story. I am interested in seeing what happens next chapter with a road trip to San Francisco. :)

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Thank you, Neil! Things are about to get wild! Thank you very much for staying tuned! And thank you for being so appreciative of Star continuing to shine.:)

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