Jul 27Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

“Kermit: You’re welcome! I’m a Frug. Full stop.” You definitely have the personalities sorted…very clever and fun. Six words might work for my cats…?

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Thank you, Elyse! Please, let us know how it goes with 6 word stories and your cats! It could be magical.:)

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So many excellent 6-word stories Heidi! Thank you for including mine as well!

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Thank you, Neil! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story with us!

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"Morsels feed the soul that's starved."

You and your critters are pure delight and bring a smile that was needed. Thank you Heidi and those adorable fur babies and the love they gift in their dialogue. Animals are incredible soul beings. I hope they know it. I believe they do.

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Thank you, Darlene. This is a beautiful 6 word story and we are truly humbled by it. Thank you very much. And we agree with you. Animals are incredible soul beings. Well said:)

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What a joy to come home last night from the game and see this very honorable mention. The Phillies lost, but once again I thought more happy thoughts before bed.

Thank you! This is always a pure delight to read Heidi.

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Thank you, Kristin! The Critters are deeply humbled and thank you very much for your incredible 6 word story.:)

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Jul 27Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Wonderful 6 word stories, this was a lot of fun! Thanks for featuring my daughter's pup, the adorable cheeky Ralph! ❤️

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Thank you April! We hope to see Ralph here at Critters again. Thank you very much!

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Jul 27Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Thank you Heidi, a wonderful collection of six word stories, I must agree. I am headed to watch, read keep out of mischief, my nephews Tiki and Roscoe this weekend. They were beside themselves when I told them their stories made the cut. They will likely keep me awake all night talking about it tomorrow. ❣️❣️❣️🐾🐾❣️❣️❣️

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Thank you, Lisa. We luvluvluv the stories you submitted. Thank you very much for being here with us at Critters. Please, keep us posted with the feedback form Tiki and Roscoe. We hope you get some sleep. 🐾🐾

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Jul 26Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Thanks for mentioning. What a fun exercise, can’t wait to read more six-word visual stories!!

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Arya and I read all carefully and enjoyed each story. He feels the thoughts expressed in each. (Arya is actually quite sensitive, but he does not wish to display it.) He has decided to share, if he may, his own 6-word story:

Wings spread open,

Arya takes flight.

Have a good evening everyone. 🕊🐦🦜

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Thank you Perry & Arya! It’s great to have you back here with is at Critters and Arya’s incredible six word story really completes today’s post. So uplifting!💜🪽

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Arya and I thank you, Heidi, and fellow Critters. I always suspected that Arya has literary talent (he often chews on my books!), and, well, this confirms it. Another writer in the house. Thus is so wonderful.

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You are truly a literary family!

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Thanks for that amazing compilation of six word stories, Heidi and critters. And all the great pictures too. Hello from Steve who is cuddling on my shoulder, and Pluto my canine companion who is lying down beside my chair.

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Thank you, Diana & Steve & Pluto! This is incredible positive feedback! We are all in good company:)

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This was so great to read!

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Thank you, Kimber! Hope you & your kitties are doing great!

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We are doing well! I’m trying to prepare them for roommates that they’ll be meeting (and having to live with soon). Interesting times are ahead!

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