Jul 3Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Thank you for the loverly conversations and illuminating video.

Always look forward to the conversations, such a joy.

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Thank you, Caroline! Thank you very much for being here with us at Critters! We look forward to seeing you again!🐾🐾

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Heidi… I love reading your critter conversations. Always these emotions are overwhelming when loosing a beloved family member (pet). When time arrives to learn to love on a new addition to the family…that comes with its own memories/feelings to navigate. I sometimes think we lean from our human perspective. Our animal babies also have their own way of having to adjust. I'm positive while it's not always as easy it does come with joyful adventure.

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Thank you, Darlene. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and support which is deeply appreciated. It means so much to have you here with us at Critters. We have been so bereaved and bereft since Panda crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Bringing Star into our lives has really helped heal our hearts. Again, thank you so much for your compassion.🐾🐾⭐️

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Loosing a beloved family pet is heartbreaking and learning to love another takes patience and time but it brings so much joy. I believe that when a pet has passed on they guide that new member to us to help relieve the pain but also continue the work of unconditionality in our lives… Thank you for dialoguing from an animal’s POV… makes writing super fun!! For following, thank you. It’s greatly appreciated.

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Thank you, Darlene, this is quite moving to read. Much appreciated. I really feel like Panda sent Star to us. It’s a legacy of luvluvluv. Thank you again for being here with us at Critters. We do like to have fun, even playing can be poignant.

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Sending love and hugs. So sorry to read about your beloved Panda. Your critter conversations are always delightful Heidi!

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Thank you so much, Pamela. Much appreciated. And thank you always for your posts which bring healing and consolation into the world. 🐾🐾

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Jul 3Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

I love this and all of your Critter Conversations, Heidi! It's so good to hear that everyone is helping one another navigate all of the changes and feelings associated with losing Panda and gaining Star! xo~ 💜

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Thank you, Melissa. We so appreciate sharing this journey with you! Thank you very much for being here with us at Critters.:)🐾🐾

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Jul 3Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Aww, love the video Heidi. So nice to watch how animals learn about each others energy. My daughter is staying for a few days with her hyper intelligent puppy, Ralph and this is the first time that him and Molly have met each other. As you know she is a very senior dog and has quite put him in his place. He is crazily dancing round her trying to get her attention and at the same time a little bit scared of her! It's fun to watch them both suss it out ❤️❤️

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Thank you, April! Star is considering a career in the movies.:) We luvluvluv hearing about the unfolding dynamic between Ralph and Molly. Perhaps a Haiku Journey will present itself from the two of them. So fun! 🐾🐾

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Jul 3Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Nice to see that you're one big, happy family, going through all the feels of losing and gaining a canine member.

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Thank you, Diana! The Critters are luvluvluving their new and renewed dynamic.:)

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Jul 2Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky


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Thank you, Dee.:)🐾🐾

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Jul 2Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Hi Heidi .If this is our was true story I am sorry about Panda , That being said I could see other animals talking like that if they could . Loved the whole story and video . Hugs and pets to the critters . Hugs and peace to you

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Thank you, mitch. We so appreciate your kindness. Sadly, our beloved Panda made her passage in April. Here’s the link to the tribute that I wrote for her: https://conversationswithcritters.substack.com/p/conversations-with-critters-990

She was about 17 years old and was with me for 15 1/2 years. A wonderful constant companion and dearly missed. I made the decision to adopt a senior and lucked out with Star. Thank you so much for reading and being here with us at Critters.🐾🐾

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Jul 3Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

I am so sorry about Panda I just read the link . She did have a long loving life and i am sure will always be in your heart and the other critters as well .I am sure it is Star lucked out with you ., as many pass over older animals . You and all your critters are lucky and blessed to have each other . HUGs to all

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Thank you so much, mitch. It’s always a painful loss of a companion animal. Panda was a wonderful friend and helped voice many episodes here at Critters. She was a deep source of joy and love. It feels especially meaningful to adopt Star, a senior with some special medical needs. You are correct. It can be hard to find homes for senior animals. I feel like Panda sent her to me.:)

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

This is so touching-I love the work you guys are doing. I hope you realize you are making the world a better place because of what you are doing for your Critters.

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Thank you, David! This is so kind and meaningful. Thank you very much for reading and being here with us at Critters. You know how much we luvluvluv your connection with animals, especially Miss Alice. Furever. 🐾🐾

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Hey David, did you intend this comment for someone else’s post??

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Jul 2Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Well it has finally happened Heidi. My microphone is a foot away from the pedestal fan I run all day to keep the air moving for the benefit of Alice and Emma, and myself, of course. As thankful as I am to be able to continue writing using a microphone and to continue to be able to read by way of highlighting text and reading it back in my ears, one of the challenges is that sometimes the noise from the fan throws word into a text field that I did not notice. That whole lying naked thing was supposed to have said something about how your work together with your Critters is making the world a better place... I was so sure I had it right I just submitted it without listening, and now my full face of facial hair is beet red with embarrassment. I have edited my comment, beg your forgiveness, and promise to slow the hell down going forward ;)

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Thank you, David, and no worries whatsoever! It’s a good line, but for a minute there, I thought the Critters had changed the text of our post, utilizing their toe beans and without my editorial knowledge! Or! That you had intended the comment for another writer who is writing, shall we say, in another genre! I’m also from a family of eye doctors and really appreciate the challenges that you have, my friend. Take good care and know that we are also in front of a pedestal fan.:)🐾🐾

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Jul 2Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

You got a good belly jiggle out of me with the " let's say a different genre" choice of words... Thank you for that and Alice, Emma, and I love what you guys do-when I show them pictures of posts, Alice looks at them and Barks, thinking she's saying hello to your Critters. Just know we are engaged, and love what you do.

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Thank you, David! Luvluvluv all around and across all genres! Haha! The Critters adore the writings of Miss Alice and hold her in high critter literature esteem. We are truly humbled to be in such good company. Furever!🐾🐾

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Great post Heidi and enjoyed Star's video! :)

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Thank you, Neil! Star is considering a movie career⭐️🐾🐾

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The degus have adjusted their internal clocks to my schedule. All six of them are very aware when food time is, which is very unfortunate for me. If I forget, they remind me. They're also very good doorbells and laundry alarms.

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Thank you, Squizz! We luvluvluv hearing about the degus and all of their multi-faceted experiences. They are highly attuned to you and your environment. Thank you very much.:)🐾🐾

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Truly splendid Heidi! Hope you are slightly coping with some of the changes with the donuts from the farmers market. ❤️🐾❤️

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Thank you, Kristin! As a Hooman, I have made the decision to forgo donuts in the future and make healthier choices at the farmer’s market. 🐾🐾

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Better you than me my friend!! I could never resist a farmers market donut. Ours are apple cider here.

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Ah, yes, the apple cider donuts! Those come into season here soon! I see another seasonal post in the future.:)

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deletedJul 3Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky
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Thank you, Jock! Thank you very much for being here with us at Critters!🐾🐾

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