Jun 18Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Aww, so lovely to see rescued senior animals <3

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Thank you, Sascha! We really appreciate your support and readership!

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Jun 14Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Star is surely part stardust!

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Thank you, Melissa! We think so too!⭐️

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Jun 13Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Awwww! "For the record, I have pivoted to the opposite end of the Couch. The end." Such a good pivot 🤣

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Thank you, Sydney! Chris is very accommodating!🐾🐾

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So delighted for you and Star! I completely support dropping the fish, of course.

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Thank you so much!

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STAR is a star. So polite. So agreeable. So thankful. So happy for you, Star. You found a good home. Hugzzzz....

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Thank you, Henya. Thank you very much. I so appreciate your friendship here at Critters. Luvluvluv, Star ⭐️

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Jun 12Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

What a wonderful update -- she is an auspicious Star indeed. Congratulations on your adaptable nature, Chris. Cecilia wants to compliment you on your choice of a crinkly bag -- one of her favorite spots, too. Especially in the middle of the night, so as to make as much noise as possible as she finds the most comfortable position.

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Thank you, Heather! Chris continues to feel a deep deep kinship with Cecilia! May their comfort continue to take precedence over all else.:) Star is especially happy to be here with you at Critters.:)

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I would love to know what the critters think about this new invention.


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Jun 12Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

"Furever is Now"

Time to give and receive love

Welcome home Star light

Wonderful post Heidi. You and Star have found each other at last ❤️❤️

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Thank you, April! You know, we are going to have to start a collection of the Haiku Comments that we write to each other! We can put them in a big compilation post!

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Jun 12Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Ooo, that's such a good idea ❤️👍

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They are all in our Comments, so I’ll have to review them. I’ve kept some of them in a notebook. Maybe we can do a post and cross post to each other’s stacks. Something like that! Let’s get creative, April!

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Jun 12Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

That sounds like such a lot of fun Heidi, yes let's do it ❤️🙏

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“Furever” is a splendid word

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Thank you, Susan! Furever is definitely one of our favorites. Thanks for being here with us at Critters.:)

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How did Star get her name and what does she sound like when she's in conversation with the Critters?

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Thank you, Squizz! Her Muttville name was, and I say this in all seriousness, Starfish. We have been none too keen on the fish part of the name, so we like Star and she responds to the name. Can you believe it?

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That's really terrible. I'm glad she has a new wonderful name that is shorted to Star! When When I adopted an Elder Bunny, her name was BUGS. I had to give her something more dignified, because that's who she was. She was a little black Netherland who was maybe a pound, if that. Her dewlap looked like a little fur stole around her neck, so I called her Josephine.

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Thank you, Squizz. This is excellent confirmation of Star’s name and we really appreciate your feedback. Btw, Star sounds quite shy when in conversation with the Critters. But she’s getting bolder and definitely has a vocal side! The name for your bunny and the story itself is truly heartwarming. We luvluvluv it. Panda’s middle name was, in fact, Josephine. It’s a wonderful critter name.

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Love the critters

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Thank you, Tinabeth! Thank you very much for being here with us at Critters!

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Jun 11Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky


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Thank you, Dee! We really appreciate having you here with us at Critters.:)

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Jun 11Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky


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Jun 11Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Great to see Star’s debut with the critters! So thankful she found her forever home and will become a fixture in your posts.

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Thank you, James! Star is, in fact, gearing up to participate in your Reader Submission! Stay tuned in the next week or so and thank you again, especially for the intriguing 5 gal bucket + Squirrel dynamic.:)

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There is. But it’s a big secret, so please stay tuned for the specific and incredible antic.:)

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Jun 11Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

I can’t wait to read what the critters have to say about it!

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The Critters are getting creative!

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What a nice welcome to Star, Heidi and Critters. I'm so glad she's found a forever home. And it's nice to know about Muttville too.

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Thank you, Diana! We so appreciate your support and friendship here with us. Star is especially grateful as she moves into Furever.:)

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Oh so many warm and fuzzy feelings here what is now evening on the East Coast!

Welcome little Star! Can’t wait to see you twinkle twinkle for many moons to come!

Heidi you are a marvelous human, actually my favorite human, of all the humans, here on Substack.

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Thank you Kristin! We are all truly humbled by your thoughtfulness toward us. We take great heart in knowing you are our Friend here! Thank you very much.

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Arya and I are touched by your kindness to furry animals, Heidi. 🕊🦜That you have made a furever home for our non-human companions. It looks like Star fits right in with Chris and Jasper and also Kermit.

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Thank you, Perry & Arya! The only house rule is that everyone has to get along. It does seem to work out well!

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Awesome post Heidi and great to see Star has found her Furever home!

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Thank you, Neil! We really appreciate your support beyond words. Star is especially grateful for your kindness.:)

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