Excellent Chapter 2! I like where this mystery is going CwC!

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Thank you, Neil! We are so encouraged by your comments! Stay tuned for Ch 3. The Critters are hard at work as the mystery unfolds!

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Large bell, tyre slash,

the element of surprise!

Beware giant cat????


Critter friends explore.

Supportive sleuthing journey.

We hold anxious breath!

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Thank you, April! These are incredible haikus! The Critters will cherish them always!🐾🐾

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Aug 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

This is a great story Heidi, I'm loving it so much ❤️❤️

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Thank you, April! This is such encouraging feedback!⭐️🐾🐾

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Jasper Kitten, Chris, and Star make such a dynamic team. Thank you for bringing some extra joy and intrigue into my day! ;)

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Thank you, Gnostic Dragon Witch! Thank you very much for being here with us at Critters as the mystery unfolds!

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I'll be waiting with baited breath, Heidi! I had no idea Jasper, Chris and Star were such adventurers!

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Thank you, Diana! The Critters are full of surprises! Stay tuned for Ch 3 as the mystery unfolds!

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What a handsome Ginger Tum.

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Thank you, Kiwi! Thank you very much!

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Exciting! These cliffhangers are great, and there's so many nice details there that really make this shine, like the image of the little paws coming up over the ravine at the end. Luvluvluving it so far... 😎

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Thank you, Chris! We so appreciate your support and insight. Stay tuned!

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Aug 22Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Couple days behind but saved this to read at heart test . You critters are very smart and brave . You all learned to use your special critter powers in this chapter and like always work together .Love chapter two , biog cliff hanger . Hugs and pets to all the critters and , Hugs and peace too Heidi .

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Thank you, Mitch! It’s great to see you here and know you’re ok. The Critters are hard at work as the mystery continues to unfold, so please stay tuned! Thank you very much!🐾🐾

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Aug 22Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Thanks Heidi but am far from ok . I wish i was healthy . The critters are doing a great job as are you . hugs and peace to all and pets to the critters

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We send luvluvluv and healing vibes to you, Mitch! We are incredibly grateful for your readership.:)

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Star, this is Julie Rae. Will Jasper Kitten be okay? I'm worried about his safety. I can ask my big brother William to go and help you. William is a very strong dog and he is very brave. He will make sure nothing happens to Jasper Kitten. My sister Emily thinks it is a good idea for William to help you as well. Just give us the word and William will be there right away!

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Thank you, Julie Rae and Emily and William. We so appreciate your thoughtfulness and we’ll be sure to reach out if Jasper Kitten gets into trouble. Thank you for being our backup. There is strength in numbers. We so appreciate your support. Luvluvluv, Star ⭐️

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We’re here Star. William ran a few laps around the forest this morning and went for a swim in the lake, just to make sure he’s in top shape to rescue Jasper Kitten in an emergency. He’s a licensed therapy dog, so he is very good in emergencies. We are praying for all of you. Hugs to the gang! Be careful! Julie Rae

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Be still my heart at the sight of the word conflagration 🔥

A slow burn indeed Heidi and critters!! 👏🏻 ❤️

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Thank you, Kristin! Let’s add conflagration to our list along with oxygenation! Perhaps a pulse oximeter will figure in the unfolding mystery!🐾🐾

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Aug 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Have you tried introducing this team to 90s hip-hop? Be careful, they may turn into a group of insanely gangsta cats!

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Thank you, Ryon! That is such a fun idea and the Critters will take it under advisement! They definitely have the hop part of it already.:)🐾

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😅❤️ I love the bell scene

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Thank you, Darcy! The plot thickens with the bell!

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Aug 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Thank you for another installment:)

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Thank you, Lee! Thank you very much for being with us here at Critters as the mystery unfolds!

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Oh my, critters hiding envelopes!

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Thank you, Pamela. Yes, the plot thickens with those envelopes! Please stay tuned!

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I am intrigued 🤔

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So fun, Pamela! It’s gonna be wild!

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