Great suspense here...crow or squirrel?

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Thank you, Diana! Thank you very much! It’s a real page turner with the Crow & Squirrel!

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Corvids are highly intelligent; squirrels know this, so they have to use deception as a means of safeguarding their food. Arya the Cockatiel, although an avian and a friend of crows, does not begrudge the squirrel for such tactics. Arya has been known to squirrel away food in his secret hiding place.

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Thank you, Perry & Arya! Thank you very much. This adds a great deal of depth to the dynamic. Arya clearly understands the dynamics!

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Absolutely. Crows are considered the most intelligent bird. And often, when interacting with humans regularly in captivity, crows and ravens can talk better than parrots... 😎

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Thank you, Chris! This reminds me of a video I recently saw of a Raven in England speaking in the local vernacular. Quite amazing.

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It is absolutely fascinating, yes. Ravens are amazing. They say a lot more than just "Nevermore"! Haha... 😎

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May 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

🤣What’s a little strategic chess-play among friends, right?🤣

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May 17Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

I too know the unlimited power of sad pet hypnoeyes!

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Thank you very much! Well said. The power truly is unlimited!

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Thanks for sharing my Squirrel & Crow field note, Heidi! I love that haiku as well!

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Thank you, Neil, for sharing your incredible Field Note! We are truly humbled! I hope it will draw more attention and subscribers to your excellent Stack.:)

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Much appreciated!

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May 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

What an awesome episode! The suspense, the analysis, the napping 💕

I also discovered that I am kindred spirits with Chris: “I would prefer a tidy conclusion. My food bowl is empty. My tummy is full. The end.”

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Thank you, Sydney! Chris luvluvluvs feeling this incredible kindred spirit with you! Fortunately, you are not shredding our notes for the next post of Critters!🐾🐾

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May 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

🤣Oh dear, some innermost unseen part of me probably is, sorry about that!🤣

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Chris will be sending you a DM soon of the perfect punctuation made by his upper and lower canines on one of our post it notes!

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May 18Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

I love both crows and squirrels so I can't even choose a side of this epic battle ha ha

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Thank you, April! Perhaps remaining neutral is the best approach in this epic battle of wits!

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The degus also use the "fake bury" trick to psych out the other degus, but sometimes it doesn't work, as they try it on cardboard. It just looks silly. The degus are actually also known as "Chilean ground squirrels."

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Fascinating. Thank you for sharing this! We continue to learn so much about squirreling behavior and more about the incredible Degus!

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May 17Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

One day in Missoula I saw a crow flying between the student center and the library at UM with a full-looking McDonald's bag in its beak.

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Thank you, Heather! This is an incredible caching behavior! Or should we call it McCache?

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Hysterical! We have a crow who we've named Reginald. And now all crows are named Reginald.

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Thank you, Jim. Thank you very much for sharing this incredible Field Note of your own! Reginald it is! Thank you so much for reading Critters.

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That is a fascinating story. It just shows you how clever animals are. I love watching squirrels myself. And they love eating my sunflowers! Haha... 😎

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Thank you, Chris! 67 (that number is courtesy of Jasper Kitten and his toe beans; only he knows what it means). Thank you for reading Critters and we hope you are stocked up on sunflowers.

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Ooh, that's fun, I like that. 67 could possibly be referring to the fact that it's the number of growth and evolution. Which is true, because my fondness for Jasper Kitten and his friends is definitely growing! Haha... 😎

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Fascinating! Critter cognition is truly amazing. Thank you for reading Critters!

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Another delightful episode! And the photos are incredible!! 🤩🐿️💗

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Thank you, Catherine! We’re always happy to see you here. Thank you for reading and commenting!

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deletedMay 17Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky
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Thank you, Alan! A kindred spirit!

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