Congratulations on the two year anniversary! It's very tricky starting from zero, but you've done an amazing job and have built something very special here. This was a very enjoyable Chapter 3, too. The end. Haha... 😎

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Thank you so much, Chris! Your support, your readership and encouragement are deeply appreciated! I don’t know how far you are in your reading here at Critters, but our beloved Senior Shining Star has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We are continuing to characterize her in the Detective Stories and she continues to shine. Thank you again for being here with us. Furever.

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Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. She was a lovely little dog, and you gave her a wonderful life. I think that's a beautiful tribute to keep her in the stories. I'm a couple of weeks behind, yes. But I'm savouring the story, and always enjoy spending time here... 😎

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Thank you so much, Chris. It feels really healing to continue to feature Star in the stories. I wish that she had stayed here at home with us for longer, but even a little while is furever for a senior dog. Writing about her feels really healing. I’m so grateful for your appreciation for Star and her story.:) We are always grateful for your readership at your own pace. Thank you again.

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That is one of the most special things about writing Fiction, yes. It's a way of keeping memories alive, and staying connected with family and friends, and pets, after they've gone, because fragments of them, and who they were, can live on in our stories. Whether you're writing about them directly, or in a more metaphorical or symbolic way, as I often do. It's very powerful, and very beautiful, and it can definitely help with the grieving and healing process... 😎

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“We work for free!” Signed, J. Kitten. ( and we will lose your bright shiny objects as well!)

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Thank you for your comment.:)

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Aug 29Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Two year critter chat

Friends detecting together

Wonderful stories


Something is missing

The plot thickening indeed

Part Fur (Four) awaited

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Thank you, April! Luvluvluv these special Haikus! Purrfect🐾🐾

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Consider the plot thickened. This is really great Heidi, thank you.

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Thank you, Kristin! So fun. Furever.

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Love this mystery and looking forward to more unfolding next Tuesday CwC! A fine haiku as well. :)

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Thank you, Neil! This gives us so much encouragement! The plot thickens next week with Ch. 4!

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Happy Birthday, Heidi! I just solved a little mystery reading other comments.

I can hardly wait to learn more. This mystery is becoming very mysterious...

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Thank you, Diana! The plot thickens! Please, stay tuned…

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Aug 27Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Happy birthday! And another great entry today

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Thank you, David! It’s so great to be able to celebrate this milestone with you & Miss Alice.:)

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