Sep 27Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Great post Heidi! Happy to be of help, hope to lend my eyes to some redtail videos next

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Thank you, James! Your expertise really helped us out on the Tippecanoe River! Thank you again and I do hope to get a Redtail video. You’ll be the first to know.:)

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Thanks for sharing this adventure, Heidi.

Speaking of Osprey, I used to have to take a ferry to where I worked called the Osprey. You'd love it! Osprey images were worked into everything. I'd look for details I'd over looked on my trip across Kootenay Lake.

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Thank you, Diana! That’s a great commute story! They are really fantastic birds. It was a magical moment to see this Osprey on the Tippecanoe. I believe the observations went both ways.:)

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What a great experience for you and the critters!

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Heidi, these are always such a joy to read. Your imagination is first rate.

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Thank you, C.J.! That is such a huge compliment. Your readership of Critters means so much to us!

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You’re welcome, Heidi. Always a pleasure.

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You have such an endearing and charming flair in everything you write. Another delightful read.

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Thank you, Sheryl! Your readership and compliments are so appreciated. We luvluvluv your recipes, too.:) Thank you for being here with us at Critters.:)

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Wonderful Heidi. Nick looks adorable but also very serious and responsible! A great Captain I'm sure.

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Thank you, April! It’s not everyday that a little dog captains a paddleboat, but Nick does it!

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We all know that Critters should really run the world Heidi. What a better place it would be if Jasper Kitten was leader of the world. He is so damn polite and brave too!

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Oh that looks like an absolutely magical place to explore. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. 🤩💖

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Thank you, Catherine! The Tippecanoe is a gentle river and it really was a good place to slow down.:)

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I am really surprised that Jasper and Chris actually went on a paddleboat that travels on the waterways. There is always the chance of getting their cat fur wet, which requires a lot of feline grooming.

Arya understands, saying that he does not like to get his feathers wet, which leads to an hour of preening. Come to think about it, Arya does spend a good part of the day preening.

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Thank you, Perry & Arya! The cats took a huge risk in living with the paddleboat excursion, but they trust Nick as a Captain. Let us celebrate grooming and preening all around!

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Love the photo of Capt'n Nick at the hlem. Definitely looks to be calm and cool under pressure as the captain of a vessel! Nice video capture of the Osprey as well!

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Thank you, Neil! Nick really does have the whole Capt of the Ship vibe. So adorable. The photo of him at the helm is my favorite as it has a natural green filter from the reflection of the still waters. The Osprey video was also a natural gift.:)

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