Starry starry night. Arya and I enjoyed this so much; and we are honoured by the mention. Merci beaucoup.

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Thank you, Perry & Arya. We always learn so much from you! Thank you very much for continuing to expand our critter horizons!

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Jun 18Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Aww, Florence is a dilute tortie! So beautiful.

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Thank you, Heather! Florence is deeply grateful for your astute observation of her true nature.:)

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Jun 18Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky


Lily, Bec, and Florence are honored to have been Star’s first interview! They miss you already! Kisses kisses kisses.

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Thank you so much, Bobbi. Always so much luvluvluv for you and your family. Furever!

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My goodness, what an explosion of wonderful critters! Thanks for sharing with us, Heidi and critter friends.

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Thank you, Diana! Thank you very much. Star really went for an entire constellation of critters.:)

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Jun 18Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Napping is an art with our pets, and we love to see them napping!😊 I like the animals use of big, real words like vernacular! They do listen to us, after all.

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Thank you, Elyse! The Critters are truly humbled by your compliments of their vocabulary. They are all ears.:) Thank you so much for being here with us.

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Welcome home, Star!

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Thank you, Cindy. Thank you very much. Luvluvluv, Star⭐️

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Wonderful post Heidi and great to learn more about Bec and see Star as the featured host!

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Thank you, Neil! Star draws a great deal of encouragement from you! Thank you very much.:)

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Jun 18Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

What a stellar debut hosting by Star!

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Thank you so much, James! Star is shining her light next on your Reader Submission. We anticipate a two part series, so the Critters can really take a deep deep dive next week!

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Jun 25Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Oh, goodness, they're all so sweet! What a collaboration! Also adding "gray gradient napping" to the things I aspire to 💕

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Thank you, Sydney! The Critters so appreciate your gray gradient napping aspirations! 🐾🐾

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Luvluvluv these conversations. The end. Haha... There's definitely an art to napping, for sure. Position and location are very important. I like this idea of being half in the sun and half in the shade. You keep your head cool and have a relaxing snooze, but also get a dose of Vitamin D! It's very efficient... 😎

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Thank you, Chris! We always look forward to your comments which add a great deal of insight! Thank you very much for your readership and support. Florence, especially, places a high value on your appreciation of her napping sun/shade technique.🐾🐾

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What a fun and cute read. Love your crits!

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Thank you, Carlee! Thank you very much for reading Critters and being here with us in the comments!🐾🐾

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Jun 19Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Aww, Star is a natural! At last she has found her true calling as Critter Host extraordinaire ❤

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Thank you, April. Thank you very much. Luvluvluv, Star⭐️

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