May 24Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Look at Kermit running on the beach, so wild and free! How excellent.

Cheetahs are amazing. I had no idea that they barked! That's very funny. Also fascinating that Sylvester was unable to be a standard cheetah without having learned the art of hunting from his mother. I hope he was satisfied with his job as ambassador to hoomankind.

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Thank you, Heather! Kermit was in a flat out run at top speed! He had perfect timing for our Cheetah episode. And thank you for your good wishes for Sylvester.:)

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Lovely story fo Sylvester the cheetah. I've seen several viseo's of cheetah's purring and meowing and find them quite endearing. I'm happy Sylvester was able to lead his life in harmonay with and teaching hoomans.

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Thank you, Paul! Sylvester continues to serve us as an Animal Ambassador. Thank you so much for reading Critters and for being here in the comments with us.:)

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This was fantastic. The end... What a great story. That's amazing that cheetahs bark, and it was very interesting to hear about the one who became an ambassador. I wonder if he also held lavish parties and spoiled everyone with Ferrero Rocher? Haha... 😎

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Thank you, Chris! So funny. Thank you for reading as always!

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May 25Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

So cool to read about Sylvester, thank you for another great post Heidi ❤️

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Thank you, April! Thank you so much for reading! We’re looking forward to the next Haiku Journey with you, too!

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May 25Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Ooo, tomorrow you will have ‘sunrise on the moon’ 😂… how exciting, bet you can't wait ❤️

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The Critters are sitting on the edge of their seats! Staying tuned for a Celestial Event! 🐾🐾

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Wow! Thanks for telling us about cheetahs, Heidi and critters, and about Sylvester in particular. What a wonderful ambassador for his species!

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Thank you, Diana! We’re so pleased you enjoyed learning about Sylvester and cheetahs!

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May 25Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

A must read cat-tale. Glad you specified "land-animal" when you said "fastest." By the way... Miss California? BARKS!

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Thank you, Alan! Although, Kermit was going at a pretty good clip on the beach! Are you saying you have a barking cat?!

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May 25Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

She does bark regularly, you betcha! And THE fastest animal, period, is the Peregrine falcon. No competition.

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Wow, incredible! I wonder how many barking cats are really out there? Time for more field work! We have Peregrine falcons around here. It’s always special to see them.

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Thank you, Kristin! We appreciate you so much!

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I spoke to Arya and he said that he will accept. He is honoured to represent Conversation with Critters and will put the powers of his avian brain to best use On behalf of Arya the Cockatiel, thank you so much.🕊🦜

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Thank you, Perry & Arya. We are all deeply honored and humbled. Welcome welcome to Special Envoy Arya!

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I am still rather confused about how Sylvester survived. Usually, when lions attack other predators (e.g., mother and offspring), they kill everything, in order to ensure that nothing will threaten their supply of prey. Why would a lion overlook one kitten?

By the way, lions also kill leopards -- and have plenty of conflicts with other predators, notably hyenas.

There are also Asiatic cheetahs in Iran and Asian lions in India, although both are endangered and have no contact with one another. The overall situation in Asia is similar, though, in that tigers can and do kill leopards for the same reason that lions will kill other predators. Amazingly enough, Nature managed some sort of equilibrium -- until humans destroyed balance...

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Thank you, Lenny. We really appreciate how much your comment is adding to our understanding of apex predator/Big Cat behavior. It’s a mystery if not a miracle that Sylvester survived. He was found by a ranger and probably in the nick of time, perhaps in shock.

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I love learning about Cheetahs and thanks for sharing Sylvester's rescue story! Thanls for sharing Saralyn Richard!

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Thank you, Neil! Your Crow & Squirrel story was a tough act to follow, but the Critters found a way forward at top speed!

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Sylvester the Ambassador Cheetah. Iove the sound of that. Even more so does Arya the Cockatiel. His avian dinosaur brain is working overtime.

His idea. Avian ambassadors, canine ambassadors, feline ambassadors. Dolphin ambassadors..And so on. Why should hoomans be the only ones with fancy titles? Why indeed.

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Thank you, Perry & Arya! Absolutely! The Critters would, in fact and in deed, like to appoint Arya as Special Envoy to Conversations with Critters!

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