May 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Poor Chris is so hungry. Will he always have to eat so few kilocalories? FUREVER?

The seal pup is beautiful. I bet it's fun to be a seal pup. Thank you for the fascinating information, critters!

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Thank you, Heather, for your deep deep concern for my caloric intake. I much prefer the lifestyle to which I had grown accustomed which was free choice kibble. However, my current dietary restrictions will be reevaluated by my Primary Care Physician and I am optimistic, I am hopeful for my future Food Bowl. Luvluvluv, Chris🐾🐾

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May 23Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

No wonder I am so drawn to seals (and otters)!

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Thank you, Melissa! It’s always great to see you here in the comments. We are on the lookout for otters and will post immediately if we are lucky enough to see one.

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May 22Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

"...water is a non-starter for me because it is too aquatic and I could get wet..." Dear, dear Jasper! Wonderful story, Heidi, thanks for sharing!

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Thank you, Sydney! We luvluvluv having you here with us!

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You write beautifully. You write the way an artist paints. Reading your posts is always fun, and I appreciate your caring heart toward all critters.

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Thank you, Barbara! This is the highest of compliments and truly humbling. Thank you very much for reading Critters. We luvluvluv having you here.

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

The New York Aquarium had Spook the Gray Seal, who was popular with kids, and he got a little sick after 22 years of entertaining them.

Someone there shrugged and said, "Well, Spook will die soon, so we don't have to worry about it."

However, Spook proved resilient, and while he could no longer entertain school groups, he still zoomed around his tank. The guy who shrugged took a lot of grief.

School groups go to the Aquarium in the morning, tour the tanks, eat lunch on-site, and then go home. The various fish have learned to hide during the morning hours, to avoid being pestered by 6th graders hammering on the tanks.

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Yes, that would be discomfiting to experience at the Aquarium and it is equally so here in the comments. Thank you for sharing this incredible story about Spook. He sounds like quite the Animal Ambassador!

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Yeah, he was a lot of fun.

They had a white whale of some kind who “pinged” visitors with his sonar, showing interest in particular humans.

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That is a very cool skill!

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May 22Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

A wonderful dose of healthy sea air Heidi. Very refreshing, thank you ❤️

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Thank you, April! You’ve led the way!

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Excellent post Heidi and the gang!

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Thank you, Neil! Thank you very much! The Critters would like to know if you have done any underwater photography?

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Hello Heidi - have not tried underwater photography!

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The Critters appreciate knowing this. Thank you, Neil.

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I love seals! I have an stuffed emotional support seal called Mr. Seals. He's a Harbour Seals and is the length of my torso, so he's perfect for hugging, and also being in front of you during scary movies or when there's a huge thunder and lighting storm. He used to have a skinny tie, but a cat I used to baby sat ate it. ...he's still the Company Seal though, and has a corner office because he's a closer.

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Thank you so much for sharing this with us! We are in good company here with the incredible seals! And we hope that Mr. Seals continues to bring much emotional support and comfort to you Furever.:)🐾🐾🦭🐾🐾

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Arya and I were all ears with this one. We both did not know that sea lions had a kinship with dogs (and bears). Then, Arya asked why are these water animals then not called California Sea Dogs or Sea Bears. Arya always asking questions. This is the Avian Brain at work. Wonderful post.

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Thank you Perry & Arya. Such a fascinating series of deep deep thinking questions from Arya. Perhaps it is high time for this Avian Brain to reinvent the critter nomenclature. Is Arya up for the task? Perhaps start with the Latin Binomial names and go from there?

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Arya said he is always ready to help out Science.

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Truly, Arya’s altruism is remarkable. We are in the presence of Avian Greatness. We thank him for his service to Science.

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May 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

A fun read. Jasper's comment that "water is a non-starter for me because it is too aquatic and I could get wet" was a laugh-out loud moment.

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Thank you, Renato! Jasper is deeply humbled that he made you laugh out loud. The highest of compliments!

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Wow! That sounds like an amazing encounter Kermit had with the seal. I always thought seals looked like dogs but didn't realize they were actually related as species, and was surprised that seals are related closely to bears. Thanks for an informative post.

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Thank you, Diana. Both dogs and seals bark. How cool is that? Thank you so much for reading and being here in the comments with the Critters.:)

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May 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky

Informational while also highly entertaining and engaging, as always Heidi! Thank you to you and the critters.

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Thank you, James. Thank you so much for reading Critters. We always enjoy seeing you here in the comments.

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deletedMay 21Liked by Heidi Zawelevsky
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Thank you, Alan! For those of us who have lived in the SF Bay Area, the sea lions are a big part of the Bay! You’re right about those whiskers!

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